Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Almost to my 3rd Tri!

Hey everyone!!

I know,I know I am bad at writing blogs. =( Well we are truckin along. We are 26 weeks today!!!! It is going so fast. Things have changed around the Kelly's house. (In a good way)
I am (Kati) is not working anymore. Since of 2 weeks ago. It was a bitter/sad ending at KinderCare but now I know that I am getting ready to be a stay at home mom. =) So since I have been done with work I have been meeting with a lot of moms. Just getting ready to stay home. Asking questions, hanging out, eating yummy snacks, having hot coco. I am set when I go to the houses. There i
s always yummy snacks. =)
Well for Halloween we had a great t
ime serving at Mars Hill Church. I was a "Que
en Bee"! lol Matt was suppose to be a guy that got stung by me. It didn't work out. So it was me t
he Bee and Waldo!.
We did go to an amazing little farm house in Port Angeles.It was such a great weekend to get away and enjoy each other. There was 2 cute horses on the farm, apple trees, and just a peaceful house. It was a great weekend!!!
Around the corner is the holidays. =) We are both so excited. For Thanksgiving we are going to Colorado for a WEEK!! We are
needed of a break and are very excited to spend time with family and friends. While we are back we are going to have our first "Baby Shower". I have always wanted a baby shower. =)
For Christmas we are staying in Seattle for the first time by ourselves. We really don't know what is planned. It's our first time being alone on Christmas and without baby! We might start a family tradition. Maybe go up to the mountains and just enjoy the snow, not sure yet.
We are going to Montana for a WEEK!! We will
leave that Monday after Christmas. Very
excited as well. =) We are also having a "Baby Shower". I am hoping to see some of my old friends.

So that is what happened in the last couple months. As for me and the baby!!
Well "Baby Kelly" is definitely a mover. =) At first
when the baby was kicking it just felt really weird, but now it is the most amazing feeling ever. It makes me laugh!! When we are in Church the baby loves dance. We are going to have a dancer!! Look out! Here comes "Baby Kelly". I have been feeling very good. I have a little heart burn once in a while but that's about it. Well I also have some not sleeping very well problems now. =(
I have not many cravings. Just fruit! Love fruit!!!!!! I did crave McDonald's for the first time the other day. It was not that good. lol
In the last week I have noticed that I am having a much harder time bending over. lol My belly is in the way. So I guess I know that I am getting bigger.
Oh wow! We have been blessed by so many people here. We have a website called "The City" for our church and there are people that post things that are getting rid of or wanting. So i put a post on there asking i people had extra baby stuff. In like 4 days I got like 1o emails back saying that they have stuff for us. What an AMAZING thing! So we have gotten a lot of our bigger ideas out of the way. All we need is a Crib, high chair, and a video baby monitor. We also are going to try to get is a glider. We would love one to rock baby to sleep. What a blessing to us that we got almost all the stuff we need. Thanks to Jesus!
Here is some info about our baby. =)

How your baby's growing:

The network of nerves in your baby's ears is better developed and more sensitive than before. He may now be able to hear both your voice and your partner's as you chat with each other. He's inhaling and exhaling small amounts of amniotic fluid, which is essential for the development of his lungs. These so-called breathing movements are also good practice for when he's born and takes that first gulp of air. And he's continuing to put on baby fat. He now weighs about a pound and two-thirds and measures 14 inches (an English hothouse cucumber) from head to heel. If you're having a boy, his testicles are beginning to descend into his scrotum — a trip that will take about two to three days.

What an amazing thing that God has made!!

Well thanks for reading the blog. I will try to keep you all updated. Love you guys so much. Thanks for all your thoughts and prayers you have given us.

The Kelly's

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Feeling more like a pregnant lady!! =)

Hello everyone!

So I am a week behind on the blog. =( We have been pretty busy with work and company.
I am 17 weeks and almost 18! =) I am getting up there. So excited to be watching our little bugger grow. So I guess I call our baby a bugger! Matt keeps saying that I say it all the time. Well that's the baby's first nickname. "Little Bugger".

Well I am have been feeling alright. I have had some rough days this last week or two. My allergies have been really bugging me and I have a bad cough that makes me throw up. =( I do feel really well except that. lol

Cravings have been a little the same.
Pickle juice/straight from the jar. YIKES!
Salad with ranch/has been a new one. (A good one)

I want to thank all the people that has been sending me some fun stuff in the mail. =) It makes me very excited to see our little bugger.

I have taken up a new hobby! =) I am trying to Knit our baby a hat. It is taking awhile and a lot of work, but it will come.

We did buy a "Doppler"! It is so much fun. We get to here the heart beat anytime we want. It is also fun that the baby is growing so we can hear it move and kick. =)

We did register at Target for some baby stuff. We haven't added much but you can still check it out if you would like. I am having a lot of fun with it.
Just go to and find the baby registry and type in Kati Kelly.

Thanks everyone for keeping updated with us. It makes us feel like we are loved and cared for. Thanks again.

Something about the baby!

How your baby's growing:

Your baby's skeleton is changingfrom soft cartilage to bone, and the umbilical cord — her lifeline to the placenta — is growing stronger and thicker. Your baby weighs 5 ounces now (about as much as a turnip), and she's around 5 inches long from head to bottom. She can move her joints, and her sweat glands are starting to develop.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Goodbye 1st Trimester and Hello 2nd!!! =)

Hello everyone! Well since Matt wrote the first blog I get to do the second one. So I have to start off by saying that I am getting so excited to be mom!! Everyday gets closer and closer. I guess I can tell you that I am now 13 weeks!! Wow, it has went fast now that I think about it.
I will also tell you how I have been feeling and such. My 11th week was a fun one! Ummm not!! I got to experience some throwing up..blahhh..=( It was not a fun day. Other then that day I usually have something wrong everyday. Matt I think is getting used to that. He is very supportive!! When I ask him to get me soup or 7up he runs to the store and gets me some. He is such a blessing to me. Lately I haven't been sleeping very well. I am trying to get used to sleeping on my left side but it is just hard when you can't get comfortable.
Cravings: Well all I have to say is SOUP!! Yum..I love soup..=) No other weird cravings yet. Tomatoes are a no no at this moment. =( The other day at church Matt said something about me eating a lot of tomatoes lately and I had to go to the restroom. I was almost throwing up. Even writing this is not good..blahh..Ok next subject.
My clothes! Wow they are getting a bit snug. I went to go look for some at Value Village the other day and I am having troubles in the butt area.. lol My belly is fine its just the butt. I guess that is a good thing.
Well I hope that was a ok blog. Here is some pics and a video of what the baby looks like and doing.

How our baby's growing:

Fingerprints have formed on your baby's tiny fingertips, her veins and organs are clearly visible through her still-thin skin, and her body is starting to catch up with her head — which makes up just a third of her body size now. If you're having a girl, she now has more than 2 million eggs in her ovaries. Your baby is almost 3 inches long (the size of a medium shrimp) and weighs nearly an ounce.

Also we did go to the doc recently and got to hear the heart beat for the first time. =) Very exciting thing. It felt real. The baby is going to be a kicker. When we were hearing the heartbeat the baby was kicking like crazy. =)

So the pictures of the clothes I just bought and they were only 99 cents..=) Oh yea that is a deal..First prego clothes. They are cozy.

Thanks for reading our blog and please keep us in your prayers.

Friday, July 30, 2010


Our apologies for waiting so long to write this first entry. I(matt) will take the blame for that. I honestly haven't even known where to start. What should I say? How do I wrap up all of the emotion? How do I share all of the beauties of this wonderful time? These have all been questions that have prevented me from writing this entry up until this point. Today is different I guess...

Kati and I started trying to get pregnant on the 15th of May. We were unsure about the whole process: how long it would take, what things we could do to help make us "more fertile", etc. One thing we did know was that we really had no control in the whole process at all. We knew that we could do whatever we wanted, but in the end, God is sovereign over the womb and He is the one who decides if or when we get pregnant. Fortunately, for some reason only He knows, God decided to make it very easy for us. We got pregnant the very first month of trying.

On June 18th Kati took a pregnancy test. "Matt, come here." She handed me the test - two little lines. "No, that doesn't mean positive does it?!" I was in very much disbelief. Apparently Kati was to, because she ended up taking 5 pregnancy tests!

I will let Kati write the next entry and she can share with you about how the pregnancy has been so far. She's much better at explaining that than I am. We hope to update this at least twice a month. It should be a really cool tool for us since we have family all over the place who can't partake in the pregnancy with us in person.

We'd ask that you would pray for us and our baby. Pray that our baby would continue to grow and stay healthy. Pray that Kati and I would be able to stay connected amidst the craziness of the first trimester. Pray that God would prepare Kati and I to be good, godly, gospel centered parents. And most of all, pray that The Father would save our baby, set him or her apart from the womb, adopt him or her into His heavenly family.